Austin Drag Fest – Night 1

We had a great time at Night 1 of the First International Austin Drag Fest! Eaton was scheduled to perform at the Red Eyed Fly outdoor stage for the Drag King Showcase so we just hung out at that venue. We were able to catch a couple of the drag queen performances inside before the show outside started, and those ladies rocked it! Outside, the camaraderie was amazing, with a bunch of bois coming together for the first time – like we had always been friends.

Everyone did such an awesome job on stage! Some of our favorites were:

  • ZAMBi McZee. That boi is super cute and sweet and his crooning and dance moves made everyone swoon
  • Owen, the smallest king from Canada. He performed a heartfelt political piece on police brutality and got everyone amped up with a Mexican & LGBT pride piece
  • Louis Cyfer. This boi hails all the way from the UK and TORE UP the stage by closing the night live singing Bohemian Rhapsody


Tonight, Shelby and Eaton will be spectators, hanging out at Cheer Up Charlies and Elysium. Hope to see you there!
